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Sheva Alomar Tattoo

Today’s tattoo comes all the way from Argentina. Yiyo‘s the proud owner of the Resident Evil 5 tattoo above. She writes:

I had it done in a tattoo parlor in Once in Buenos Aires (Can’t actually mention the name, sorry. XD) in June, 2009. Is the same tattoo that Sheva Alomar has in the game. Is a tribal skull that reads “shujaa”- which means hero/warrior/fighter in Swahili- . The main reason of me getting totally in love with it was, not only for being a design found in the Resident Evil universe, which I love… but also because it’s a war mark. It’s supposed to give you strength in battle. And everyone that knows me, knows that I tend to throw myself down too much when things are not looking nice.. So I felt that a design that can remind me that I have to be a warrior in life would be a great thing to wear with pride ( bonus points for being a “video game tattoo” ;D ).

And for extra geeky roleplaying points, Yiyo also has a tattoo of the Toreador Rose from Vampire the Masquerade.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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