I love Duck Hunt just as much as anyone, but isn’t tattooing the snickering dog on you equivalent to putting a big red target on your skin? I mean I know I’m not the only one that shot the dog, or at least tried repeatedly, hoping for that one time where it would actually work and he would fall into the bushes and I’d be allowed to shoot ducks in peace. Unfortunately I’ve got no info on this one, no owner, artist, or story. But I felt it was worth sharing anyways. via geekstir (Thanks Reed!)
This isn’t the only Duck Hunt tattoo out there though. I came across this great pixelated pair of ducks on Flickr too:
Again, sadly no info other than it appears to be done by a “Jason” in Minneapolis, MN.
UPDATE: Amber Grace dropped a comment to let us know that she’s the proud owner of the pixelated ducks and that it was indeed a Jason that inked it. Jason Helgerson at Tattoo Asylum in Spring Lake Park, MN.
simply amazing!
The second one is actually me. I had it done a few years ago at Tattoo Asylum in Spring Lake Park, MN. It was done by Jason Helgerson, who actually does all of my tattoos.
Oh my. You won’t regret that when you’re fifty.
Bah…I hope I have less trivial things to worry about by then. At least, I hope I’m not that shallow as a 50 year old.
I’m not unconfident, but I think having the dog from Duck Hunt laughing at me whenever I was behind her would be a bit of a turn-off.