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Game Controllers: Then and Now

Nintendo Xbox Then and Now

via Fitz of Taboo Tattoos

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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11 Responses

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  1. Lump says

    Yeahhhh………………….that’s not going to date at all.

  2. hesmart says

    and after? o_O

  3. Ace says

    that is fricken awesome! i was thinking about getting a 36
    0 controller on my arm.. but i want something oldschool to acknowledge my old school roots

  4. neal drummond says

    haha in 10 years time thats going to suck so bad

  5. kuji says

    what about the future???

  6. CookieMonster says

    i dont think he thought this one through haha

  7. Ziggi Winter says

    Shouldn't it be a Wii controller, though?

  8. boogereaster says

    not if all he played was nintendo took a hiatus and then played 360

  9. non-ubergeek says

    lets hope he is not a geek AND a retard and those are just temp tattoos…

  10. Dev says

    honestly he should have went oldschool, now, and then future so its not so messed up but whatever still cool

  11. thatdude says

    he should have predicted the future and put a cat with touchpad keys on it, or a dildo with a trigger (ya never know)