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Guitar Hero Tattoo

Guitar Hero Buttons Tattoo
R. is rocking this simple, yet iconic Guitar Hero button tattoo. What better way to practice than to have the buttons tattooed on yourself?  Tattoo was by Leah at A Touch of Color in Hamden, CT.

via hλlf empty

Ed note: owner’s name shortened due to the fact that they don’t work for Activision and might get in trouble for some ink at their workplace

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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6 Responses

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  1. Miss Sarcasm and her Merry Band says

    Guitar Hero? Geeky? What are you, retarded?


    dude wat the freak up with th guitar hero….. should I say……RETARTED!

  3. Britt says

    It’s geeky in a way, I guess.. I would never get this, I love GH though. And “retarted” is just a retarded person’s way of spelling “retarded”.. >.>

  4. Tenfrente says

    Guitar Hero IS geeky. Christ.
    You know when you’re a nerd when you INSTANTLY NOTICE THAT THE COLOURS ARE BACKWARDS.

  5. Min says

    Hahaha… what a "RETART"

  6. Bob Dole says

    Did they tell you at the tattoo store that it's permanent?