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Bucket List of Zelda Hearts

Here’s a new twist on the Zelda hearts tattoo: After growing up playing Zelda on the NES with his brothers, Ricardo got 10 hearts (5 on each side) tattooed as a reminder of the 10 things he needs to do before he dies. He’s got one filled in so far (skydiving) with 9 to go.

Only one problem he says:

The weirdest thing is, ever since I got them, there has been this incessant beeping in my head, it’s getting rather annoying >.< I need to find me a fountain or something.

Posted in Tattoos, Video Games.

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3 Responses

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  1. james says

    haha that's so tight.

  2. Athie says

    that's so creative! :D

  3. jcfd says

    So gay. Too big and not horizonal like it should be