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All Your Base Are Belong to Us Tattoo

All your  base are belong to us

Words are not needed for Pablo‘s “All your base are belong to us” tattoo.  My suggestion for the other arm? “Somebody set up us the bomb”

Posted in Internet Memes, Tattoos, Video Games.

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3 Responses

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  1. Myc0log1c says

    Hellz no, the other arm should be “You have no chance to survive make your time!”

  2. Auth says

    Tattoo after laser roaveml?Hi,I was wondering if it was possible to tattoo skin that has already had laser tattoo roaveml?I have a tattoo on my back and was hoping for a changeOnce I’ve done laser tattoo roaveml, will the skin take ink like it did before? or will a new tattoo over the lasered area actually appear scarred and/or discolored?Thanks

  3. Duncan Hill says

    What a sad person – I mean "All your base" is funny, but as a tattoo is tragic. Good luck getting a job with that!